Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Exploring the link between rivers, dams, and their ecological impacts on salmonids of the West.
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What To Expect
Bi-monthly status updates
Twice a month, I’ll unveil the secretive machinations of dam operations, and unravel the enigma of water quality and fish runs in the Columbia River basin and its tributaries.
Speaking event invitations
Never miss an invite to my live book reading events as I continue my west coast tour promoting my latest book release, Cracked: The Future of Dams in a Hot Chaotic World.
Exclusive audio & video
Enrich your understanding of dam removal efforts with podcasts and video interviews with Steven Hawley, the foremost author on rivers, dams, orcas, and salmon in the American west.
"Cracked is a must read. It is a page-turning, everything-you-need-to-know report card on the legacy of dams and it solidifies the case for tearing them down."
- Mountain Journal
“Lavishly displayed color photographs help illustrate Hawley’s narrative, which might motivate a nationwide rethinking of these extravagantly expensive, outdated dams.”
- Booklist Review

"For any angler who appreciates wild, free-flowing, healthy rivers as much as a well-fed trout or the powerful experience of seeing spawning salmon thousands of miles from the ocean, Cracked is a great read. It provides context for the global shortsightedness of attempting to harness the power of rivers and turn the desert green and describes the will of many to fight for these wild, life-giving bodies of water. Finally, Cracked inspires what it takes to turn the tide against dams, recover and restore the world’s rivers and embodies Patagonia’s ethic of protecting the one planet we’ve got."